Friday, August 5, 2011

Summer Garden Update: August

The summer garden is still going--there have been a few casualites, but the tomatoes are still going crazy. I gave up trying to control the downey/powdery mildew on the cucumber plants, and one plant is pretty much done in:
RIP cucumber plant!
I also started a fall garden. I ordered seed from Burpee online:

These are the beginning of purple carrots (I will admit to giving into the novelty of purple carrots):

These are the beginnings of golden and red beets:

These are the beginnings of French green beans:

The tomato plants are still out of control:

And there are some strangely shaped tomatoes growing:

I had almost given up on the eggplant, but seeing a few flowers and after spraying for bugs (don't judge!), there is still hope for eggplant:

The bugs ate the leaves on the pepper plants too, but there are more flowers on the plants and lots of small green peppers coming along:

And then there was this bug carcass on the tree that was too interesting not to photograph:

1 comment:

  1. but I am judging, you bug spraying, purple carrot eater. ps, I don't think that's a tomato!
