Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Spanish Rice Fail

It's green chile time in New Mexico! To celebrate, I found a bag of green chiles from New Mexico in my freezer that I decided I needed to use up. I couldn't remember how hot they were, and I kind of assumed that since they had been in my freezer for so long they could be really hot. Well, my assumption was correct. I added the chiles to the Spanish rice recipe I was following, and my mouth was on fire! I drank some milk and ate some cheese, and that helped, but there was no way I was going to be able to eat the rice.
Hello super hot chiles...I can't eat you.
I made the rice to go with chicken chile rellenos from Better Homes and Gardens, so I had to come up with some sort of other side dish. We ended up having orange slices and marinated tomatoes:
Not a total loss, but a strange combination.
I was worried the chicken would be inedible since the same chiles were used in it. Luckily, the only super hot chiles were in the rice.

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