Thursday, December 1, 2011

Baked Trout

My brother-in-law is a fisherman, and recently gave us a bag of trout. I had a breakfast version of trout on a trip to Tangier Island, but I wasn't a fan of the flavors. The trout was boiled and then covered in the rendered fat from fatback. The fatback grease was too overwhelming to me, so I decided to bake our trout with breadcrumbs, Old Bay seasoning, and butter. I made the bread crumbs from a whole wheat hamburger bun, and I toasted them slightly. I then sprinkled them evenly over the fish, which I placed in a lightly greased glass baking dish with the skin side down. I then sprinkled the Old Bay over the fish, and evenly poured melted butter over it. The fish baked in a 350 degree oven for around 25 minutes.

I served the fish with some buttered bread and creamed peas and potatoes:
The pea and potato side dish wasn't the best accompaniment to the fish, but it worked. The Old Bay on the fish was the best! I don't know how I ate seafood without Old Bay before moving to Virginia.

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