Saturday, May 14, 2011

Better than eggs and toast

I love a fried egg. The best fried egg is an egg in a hole:
Making one is just as easy as frying an egg. This is what you'll need:
To begin, use some sort of round cookie cutter or any shaped cutter that leaves a big enough hole to break your egg into. Then, heat a pan on medium to medium-high heat, and add a pat of butter to a 10-inch skillet. Once the butter starts to sizzle, add both the bread with the hole and the bread cut-out to the butter. Break your egg in the hole, and let it set. Flip the egg once most of the white starts to set. I like a runny yolk, so it usually takes me 2 minutes or less (approximately) to fry it. Once it's done, not only do you have a fried egg, but buttery toasted bread!

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