Saturday, May 14, 2011

Panzanella Salad and First Tomato!

I may have a garden tomato for Memorial Day!
I have no idea what particular variety this particular tomato is (I failed to put labeled stakes in the ground telling me which of the 5 varieties each plant is); but based on its shape, I think it might be a Roma. I guess we'll find out :).

My little green tomato inspired me to make a panzanella salad (Italian bread salad) with some grape tomatoes I've had sitting on the counter. To make the salad, I took some butter flake rolls I needed to use and cut them into pieces to make the croutons or bread portion of the salad.
I placed them on a cookie sheet, and drizzled them with olive oil and sprinkled some Italian seasoning and pepper on them. I then broiled them until they became browned and crunchy. Make sure to watch them so they don't burn!

While the croutons broiled, I cut up some grape tomatoes, slivered some red onion and tossed that together with some fresh basil. I recently bought a hydroponically grown basil plant from the grocery store, and I have kept it alive on the window sill in my kitchen:
I shredded a few leaves and added that to the salad. Once the vegetables and basil were combined, I drizzled some olive oil, balsamic vinegar over everything. I then added some freshly ground black pepper. I didn't measure anything, but this recipe is close to what I did: Panzanella Recipe at Epicurious
I can't wait to make this with my own tomatoes! Enjoy!

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